In this episode of The Rave Social Podcast, I had an absolute blast chatting with the amazing Lindsey from Luxe Beauty Social. We dove into the world of personal storytelling to stand out social media as a beauty pro.
Lindsey, who transitioned from a hairstylist to a social media manager, shared her golden nuggets on how beauty pros can amplify their social media game, going beyond just showcasing their work to connect deeper with their audience.
If you’re a beauty pro looking to expand your social media strategy, or simply need some inspiration, this episode is packed with practical tips.
Lindsey, who transitioned from a hairstylist to a social media manager, shared some golden nuggets on how beauty pros can jazz up their social media game by incorporating personal stories. She emphasized that while showcasing your craft—like hair transformations and makeup magic—is fantastic, sprinkling in personal stories can create a deeper, more meaningful connection with your audience. Personal stories humanize your brand, making it relatable and unforgettable.
Lindsey encouraged beauty pros to spill the tea on their journeys, pivotal moments, and quirky personality traits. She shared how opening up about her health journey and hair loss significantly boosted her client engagement. It’s all about finding those key moments that shaped you and sharing them authentically to balance professional and personal content.
We explored the untapped potential of platforms like TikTok and Pinterest, discussing how diversifying your social media strategy can help you reach a wider audience.
TikTok, with its focus on video content, might seem intimidating, but starting with simple, short videos can build your confidence. Pinterest, with its visual appeal, is perfect for beauty pros, allowing you to share everything from hair transformations to beauty hacks. Lindsey recommended starting with Pinterest if TikTok feels too daunting, as it’s a simpler way to ease into a new platform.
Lindsey highlighted the magic of email marketing for beauty pros. Unlike social media, email marketing gives you a direct line to your clients, free from algorithm drama and platform limitations. By capturing client emails and sharing valuable content, you can keep your audience engaged and informed.
Lindsey shared her journey as an introvert and how she conquered her fears of sharing personal stories by starting a podcast. She emphasizes the importance of getting comfy with the uncomfortable, especially in the ever-evolving social media landscape. Start small and gradually share more personal stories as you get more comfortable. If you’re nervous, script out your content to ensure you nail your message. Remember why you started your journey and let that fuel your storytelling.
Both Lindsey and I agree that being uncomfortable is a crucial part of the process and essential for achieving results, whether in social media or personal growth. Set realistic goals and celebrate small wins along the way. Persistence is key. Keep pushing through challenges and setbacks, and regularly seek feedback from your community and clients to improve and grow.
Our chat was a treasure trove of insights for beauty pros looking to elevate their social media presence and connect more deeply with their audience. By embracing personal storytelling, exploring new platforms, leveraging email marketing, and surrounding themselves with a supportive community, beauty pros can build a strong, authentic brand that stands out in a crowded market.
If you’re a beauty pro looking to expand your social media strategy, or simply need some inspiration, this episode is packed with practical tips. Tune in to learn how your story can become your strongest asset in connecting with clients and growing your online presence.
As Lindsey and I emphasize during our chat, the journey might be uncomfortable at times, but the rewards of hard work and authenticity are so worth it.
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[00:00:10] Jaiden Robinson: Hello everyone. And welcome back to The Rave Social Podcast. I’m your host Jaden. And today we have Lindsey from Luxe Beauty Social. Lindsey went from being behind the chair to becoming a social media manager after leaving her hairstyling business of 12 years.
She helped hair stylists grow their accounts on social media and just grow in general. In the social space. So she’s super awesome. We’re so excited. She’s here And why don’t you tell us a little bit about what you do?
[00:00:42] Lindsey Pruitt: my gosh, thank you so much for that intro. I know every time I hear that, it’s been 12 years. I’m like, holy cow, that was 12 years. That was a long time.
[00:00:50] Jaiden Robinson: That
[00:00:51] Lindsey Pruitt: Um, yeah. Um, so I specifically, I’m a social media manager. I specifically help hairstylists really get out and stand out inside the social space just because I personally built my business.
Through social media. And so I want to help other hair stylists do the same and really start seeing the results that they’re looking for and the time that they’re spending there. You know, it’s, it’s rough when people spend time somewhere and they’re not seeing what they need to see.
[00:01:22] Jaiden Robinson: gosh
[00:01:23] Lindsey Pruitt: I’m here to help them do that.
[00:01:29] Jaiden Robinson: hurdle for people is they hate social media. They, they use social media with no strategy or whatever you want to say. And then they burn out on it because they’re like, this isn’t getting me any results. And so then they hate it. And then once you get to that point, it is so hard to like unlearn how much you hate social media to then like fall in love with it and see those results.
[00:01:54] Lindsey Pruitt: Yes. And it’s like such a labor of love to that. Like, I feel like I am part cheerleader. Like I was a cheerleader in high school and I feel like that, like, like prepped me for this moment to be like, no, we got this. We’re going to do this. I’m going to help you like dig out of this hole and like really help you see, you know, the beauty of social media, like creating great connections with people.
Yeah. You and I, like, we met online. It’s so rad. Like, it’s so I’m just trying to help people also have, like, a better relationship with social media and not get to that point of burnout all the time. Yeah,
[00:02:30] Jaiden Robinson: like, no, like we can do it. We can do it. And I was like, I literally, I’m like, do you want me to do it here for you? Because I will. And same, like, I think that it’s just so important. Like, I just don’t think you can be successful on social media with a bad reputation.
With a bad relationship with it, whether that’s like being addicted to it or just hating it or whatever like I Genuinely think like you’re not gonna see growth until you like lean in and kind of yeah. Oh,
[00:03:01] Lindsey Pruitt: it’s so cliche and cheesy, but like trusting the process of social media, like all these things that we hear all the time and we’re like, whatever, whatever, it’s honestly the truth. And it’s, it is just such a labor of love.
[00:03:13] Jaiden Robinson: It is it takes time it takes work like It just, it is, it’s not an overnight thing, which is so annoying. Like I, I see those posts. I’ve made those posts where I’m like, it, it takes time and I get it. Like, that’s annoying. That’s not what you want to hear. That’s not what you’re used to, but it does, it takes time and it takes patience and it
[00:03:36] Lindsey Pruitt: Oh, so much.
[00:03:38] Jaiden Robinson: you, you have to be okay with like sucking to just, you do like.
[00:03:43] Lindsey Pruitt: Yes.
[00:03:44] Jaiden Robinson: You’re going to suck at it. You’re going to have flopped posts. You’re going to have a post. That goes up to get three likes and no comments and makes you feel like you should not be doing this but like on the other side of that is just like Enormous potential.
[00:03:58] Lindsey Pruitt: Totally. And like, I think it also needs to be talked about that even if you do have a platform and you do have a following all these things, like you’re still going to have flopped posts and like months that like you don’t really see anything from them. Like it is so normal to have those like ebbs and flows, no matter if you have a big account, two followers, I don’t care.
You’re going to experience the same highs and lows.
[00:04:22] Jaiden Robinson: It’s so true like even I do like i’ll go through phases where like My reels are all getting 5k views and then i’ll go through a couple weeks where i’m like, why does this have 900? like i’m
[00:04:34] Lindsey Pruitt: Or like, 250, you’re like,
[00:04:36] Jaiden Robinson: yeah
[00:04:37] Lindsey Pruitt: okay. Is
[00:04:38] Jaiden Robinson: It gets like stuck
[00:04:40] Lindsey Pruitt: watching this? Like, that’s it. Actually, I don’t even have that many friends and family to do 250, but you know what I’m saying.
[00:04:47] Jaiden Robinson: yeah. Yeah, you’re like all 250 of my siblings. I’m just kidding. Um, but yeah, like you, you do go through that no matter the size of your account, no matter how like seasoned you are. And then like, But what I’ve noticed is like, they kind of all build up and start like seeing a lot of traction and then it will dip down for a second.
But then like the next wave is actually like bigger than the one before. So it’s like, it’s just a flow and you’re just learning to do it. And like, honestly, social media managers, anyone that’s an expert is also always learning because consumer behavior is Constantly changing. I mean, the way people interact with the app is changing just as much as like the algorithm, which I don’t care about
[00:05:29] Lindsey Pruitt: Yeah. Yeah.
[00:05:30] Jaiden Robinson: but like, you know, it’s just, there’s a lot of things changing.
So like everyone is learning it. There’s nobody that just has like the master rule book.
[00:05:39] Lindsey Pruitt: No. And if they say like, they’ve cracked the code or like all these people that are like, I had a call with Instagram, which they probably have, it still is like, we are still learning. We are figuring things out. And every brand is going to be different. Every like, Industry is different how you approach social media.
Yes, there are like the similarities there, but like, it’s just, it’s just all different. And it’s just learning what works for you and how your audience responds best.
[00:06:06] Jaiden Robinson: Yeah, I was like dying the other day I was going to bed and I was thinking about those calls with Meta and I’m like, yeah for sure Like I know you are doing those calls with Meta, but I was like Meta Why don’t you just freaking get an Instagram account and just share the update with everyone because they’re not groundbreaking
[00:06:23] Lindsey Pruitt: No, no.
[00:06:26] Jaiden Robinson: just tell everyone like why do we have to be on this secret phone call list?
[00:06:32] Lindsey Pruitt: Also like, and like, yeah, it’s just weird. Like who they choose to, like, to me, it is so random that I’m like, Oh, okay. Like
[00:06:41] Jaiden Robinson: and they all say the same thing. Like, I got on a call with Meta and, and I’m like, Oh, could we be more creative? Like, what is happening?
[00:06:50] Lindsey Pruitt: some fun here. You don’t even have to tell us that you got on a call with Meta.
[00:06:54] Jaiden Robinson: just keep it to yourself. Like,
[00:06:55] Lindsey Pruitt: Just be like,
[00:06:56] Jaiden Robinson: those little nuggets.
[00:06:58] Lindsey Pruitt: And share them at the appropriate time.
Sprinkle them out. You know, don’t be like, I got on a call with Meta and here’s 29 things you need to change today. Like it’s too much.
[00:07:09] Jaiden Robinson: It’s just so funny. Oh, wow. Gotta love Metta. Um, okay, but talking about like beauty pros specifically, what is like the number one thing you would say that beauty pros are getting wrong on social media right now?
[00:07:24] Lindsey Pruitt: Oh, I love this question because it’s honestly so simple that it’s just like silly that beauty pros are not doing this, but literally showcasing who they are. Like it’s, we’ve gotten to this place of where, you know, we’re showcasing like beautiful transformations, clients, like all of those things are so important, obviously for your craft and like what you’re doing, but.
It’s almost arguably more important for you to show up just as you, because the client is coming to see you. Whether you can give them the result that they’re looking for or not, like that connection still needs to be there. They’re going to spend hours with you. Like you got it.
[00:08:05] Jaiden Robinson: feel like. I, if I didn’t like my hair stylist, hell no. That’s way too much
[00:08:12] Lindsey Pruitt: It’s a
[00:08:12] Jaiden Robinson: to spend with someone one on one that you don’t vibe with. Like, no way.
[00:08:18] Lindsey Pruitt: right, right. And especially like those that do specialty services like hair extensions or any service that’s like hours and hours of time, right? Like there was a time when I would sit in the chair for like four or five hours when I was, Getting my hair extensions and my color done.
And it’s like, yeah, if I didn’t connect with the stylist, how was I going to sit there and have like a good experience? You know? So it’s just, it’s, that’s why I said it’s just silly that we’ve gotten to this place where they’re not sharing who they are. And they’ve just totally leaned into only sharing their craft because they have to make that connection first to actually get people to sit in their chair.
[00:08:57] Jaiden Robinson: Yeah, it’s like, first, you’re gonna win them with, like, your personality and your unique,
[00:09:02] Lindsey Pruitt: Yeah.
[00:09:02] Jaiden Robinson: version of yourself, who, who you are, and then they’re going to be like, oh wow, she really does beautiful transformations, like, like you definitely, you encourage them to share both styles of content, right?
[00:09:14] Lindsey Pruitt: for sure. Mm-Hmm. . Yeah. I both are still extremely needed as far as. Seeing the leads and the results that you wanna see from Instagram. But the biggest shift that I typically have to make in our clients’ pages is literally being like, okay, so we’re gonna walk through your personal story and I’m gonna like pull these content ideas out and show you that you have a story to share.
Because most of the time they’re gonna say like. I, I just go to work and I own a salon and like, that’s it. Like, that’s what I do. Or I’m a wife. I’m a mom, like all of these other titles. But I’m like, but you still have a story. You started somewhere and tell me from where you started to now, like what happened in your journey so far, what were like, because it’ll points, you know, let’s break those down and share those because those are going to really help you connect with your ideal audience client, whatever.
[00:10:07] Jaiden Robinson: I love how audience clients,
[00:10:10] Lindsey Pruitt: Yeah. I’m like tomato, tomato. Mm
[00:10:15] Jaiden Robinson: like, you break it down into like pivotal moments and like, what were the steps you took in your career and things that are beyond just titles, because I do think for any niche or any industry, a lot of times you feel like you’re the story you have to tell is just titles.
[00:10:34] Lindsey Pruitt: Right.
[00:10:35] Jaiden Robinson: Like I’m a mom,
[00:10:36] Lindsey Pruitt: I’m a
[00:10:36] Jaiden Robinson: a wife. I’m a, yeah,
[00:10:38] Lindsey Pruitt: owner. And like, they always hide behind those titles and it’s like, yeah, there’s so much more to you. Like show us your personality, show us like what you do on the weekends. Like even small little snippets like that are so important to share. Because it’s like, those are the things that your clients want to come in and sit in the chair and talk to you about like, yes, they’ll probably be like, Oh, that transformation you did the other day was so cute, but Hey, like, tell me about so and so and blah, blah, blah, right?
Like, that’s what you do in a salon. Like you talk about other things that aren’t really hair related. And so if you’re not giving your audience any points to connect with you there, then like, that’s probably going to be a really awkward hair appointment. Just like sitting there.
[00:11:21] Jaiden Robinson: honestly hair appointments are like for the tea and I feel like that’s gotten like a bad like People are like, oh, hairstylists are gossipy, but like, it’s not. You’re flipping the script from being like, we’re gossipy to being like, we’re connecting with each other. We’re not talking about, bad about other people and stuff.
But like, you are able to like, give them things to talk about on social media. Like, that’s one thing I teach in Intentional Instagram is finding your like, subtle What are your subtle things that people latch on to, like, that you love Diet Coke or, for me, like, I love Kelsey Ballerini. People are always, like, sending me reels that
[00:11:56] Lindsey Pruitt: That’s cute.
[00:11:57] Jaiden Robinson: yes, please, you know?
And it’s those things that, like, make people want to work with you, even though it has nothing to do with what you actually do.
[00:12:06] Lindsey Pruitt: Yeah, totally. And like one example, at least for me, like whenever I really started seeing like an uptick of like clients flooding into my chair was like when I actually started opening up about like my health journey, my hair loss situation, like I went through like a ton of hair loss at one point and I was like starting to open up about it online.
And so a lot of New clients came to me because they were like, I knew that you could understand like what I was going through. What I was feeling because you are currently walking through that and like, I want you to help me do the same. And so all those conversations were about like, okay, tell me about like your journey and what’s happening with you, you know?
So it just really helped me connect with those. I don’t cry. It’s just because like, just doing the scary thing of opening up and being like, this is what I’m experiencing right now. And it’s so scary. I’m like lost half my hair. It’s fine. Everything’s going to be fine.
[00:13:00] Jaiden Robinson: fine.
[00:13:01] Lindsey Pruitt: But yeah. I love that you like share to share the subtle things because I think we also overthink those, like, you know, putting, I love my greens, like
[00:13:12] Jaiden Robinson: Yeah.
[00:13:13] Lindsey Pruitt: always have like my greens in like a frame or something like that because I love that.
Or like diet coke or whatever. It’s like those small things that people are like, what is that? Tell me more about that. Like, da da
[00:13:22] Jaiden Robinson: they’re like, it’s so silly how sticky they are. Like, they’re just so sticky. You just remember, I mean, I’m sure if you spent two minutes, you could think of different creators or different businesses you follow that you’re like, Oh, I, I connect them to Spain because they talk about that a lot. Or, Oh, I connect them to this or that because they always talk about that.
And so then to like, your marketing is going beyond Instagram. It’s going to the grocery store with you when you see Diet Coke and you think of The space social. That’s what I always think of, um, when I think of Diet Coke, but yeah, like she’s totally with me because I’ve connected that to her. And so it goes beyond Instagram, which actually leads me to my next question.
Do you think beauty pros should be using other platforms or just Instagram? Like where do, where are they seeing success?
[00:14:13] Lindsey Pruitt: I love this question. Um, because I definitely think, I mean, this month alone, we’ve seen, you know, Instagram kind of do, it’s like a little glitchy glitch. And so just really has you stop and reflect, like, am I doing what I should be doing? Um, and so, I mean, personally, I’ve been encouraging our clients to not put all their eggs in one basket and really look at how can we You know, expand their content to other platforms because obviously each platform is a little bit different but I’ve been suggesting doing like a tiktok situation depending on the brand and what their goals are Or also even pinterest depending on what their goals are as well um I feel like Pinterest is such a great one, especially for beauty pros, because I mean, they’re already in the aesthetic space, right?
They’re creating these beautiful transformations and stuff like that, that I’m like, it’s kind of a no brainer to be on Pinterest. A lot of. A lot of the questions that I’ve been getting around Pinterest is like, but is our ideal client actually on Pinterest? And I’m like, I mean, think about how often you go on Pinterest.
It’s becoming such a huge search engine for all types of things. Like they don’t even have to just share hair. They could be sharing even parts of their story, things in their salon space. Um, there’s so much that you can share on there that people can connect with. So those are really the two areas that I’ve been suggesting.
[00:15:41] Jaiden Robinson: Yeah, I love that. I have always used Pinterest for hair and spell like Whenever i’m like, oh, I want to like change this or that like i’m
[00:15:50] Lindsey Pruitt: Mm hmm.
[00:15:50] Jaiden Robinson: for sure That’s like the first place I go actually, um To take an inspiration picture or something like that. I feel like beauty pros too, especially if you’re ever planning to shift from being in the chair to education I feel like pinterest would be a great place to start building a platform for when that time comes because it would be really easy to Start offering freebie through pinterest and like funneling people into your new thing
[00:16:18] Lindsey Pruitt: Yes, and I’m talking to the Pinterest queen right now. But I’m like, everyone listen.
[00:16:26] Jaiden Robinson: No
[00:16:27] Lindsey Pruitt: yeah.
[00:16:27] Jaiden Robinson: I do love Pinterest, but yeah, I mean, I think that I’ve never actually really thought about Pinterest a lot for beauty pros, but hearing you say that actually gives me a new perspective on it, on how it could really be effective, actually.
[00:16:43] Lindsey Pruitt: and there’s so many beauty pros that are like wanting to transition, you know, or add in some type of in front of the chair situation to their income, you know? And so I think Pinterest is such like a great, versatile place to do that. Like you said. But, and it’s kind of like a more simple way to step out onto a new platform because TikTok can kind of feel overwhelming to some of like, you need to be posting this amount of times for a day to see growth and like all this crazy stuff that it can be, it can be a lot.
And especially for those that kind of are hesitant with video or still kind of like gaining confidence around video, I feel like I always suggest doing Pinterest first as we’re You know, continuing to increase our confidence with video and then later on we can add in like more of that like visual element with TikTok.
[00:17:32] Jaiden Robinson: Yeah, I feel like TikTok is oh my gosh, it’s just so hard. I could
[00:17:36] Lindsey Pruitt: a hot
[00:17:36] Jaiden Robinson: it for a client because honestly I can’t manage it for myself. Like I it is a full time job and people who I get so up in arms about this, but I work with a lot of really big creators. And so I know the work they’re putting into TikTok.
So when people are like, Oh, you just post like on TikTok all day, that’s your job. I’m like, it’s literally a full time gig. I don’t know where you got the idea that it’s like not, but it just is. It’s freaking
[00:18:04] Lindsey Pruitt: and it’s like a totally different beast and like when people are like repurpose your content across platforms. I’m like, Oh my. It’s not, it’s not that simple. Like I’m thinking of that audio. It’s not that simple. You know how I speak now is in like trending audio.
[00:18:21] Jaiden Robinson: Oh my gosh, social media managers literally think in trending audios, like, I don’t know what it is. We’re broken, but no, you can’t like, it is so difficult to repurpose. From Instagram to TikTok. I feel like it’s easier to repurpose from TikTok to Instagram. But yeah, like
[00:18:40] Lindsey Pruitt: Yeah, totally.
[00:18:41] Jaiden Robinson: Oh, one thing I was thinking of is I feel like beauty pros, maybe one place where they’re like missing out on an opportunities, potentially like with emails, because, and I don’t want to be that girl that’s like if Instagram died, but straight up, like if it did, You already have all these clients.
Like, I would be capturing their emails when they’re coming in and when they’re paying or whatever.
[00:19:06] Lindsey Pruitt: I’m so sad that I didn’t mention email because it is like such a an important like, yes, I don’t want to be that girl. I literally was like, I’m going to make a post about this. I really hope it doesn’t come off as ick because it is so important. But like even creating like a simple little freebie, like of like, Hey, here’s summer hair care, you know, like a whole kit or situation that you walk them through, you give them video tutorials.
Like you could pack so much good into that for literally free just to give them your email. And you know, you can do like a once a month email, no overkill, like we’re not talking even one a week.
[00:19:46] Jaiden Robinson: simple.
[00:19:47] Lindsey Pruitt: Like start with a newsletter and then go from there.
[00:19:50] Jaiden Robinson: and like then, too, when you want to do like a Black Friday sale or something,
[00:19:54] Lindsey Pruitt: Mm hmm.
[00:19:55] Jaiden Robinson: like don’t have to be so crazy on Instagram. Like you don’t, you don’t have to push it as much there if you don’t want to. Cause I know a lot of people are like sus on selling. I’m like, I’m a pro seller, but I understand why some people are like, I don’t want to do that.
So then you have their emails and you can totally like do a black Friday sale or do a whatever if you want to.
[00:20:14] Lindsey Pruitt: Do more of like that exclusive vibe, you know, like those that are in your tight knit community, you can do special things for them just so like they feel like they’re being taken care of, you know?
[00:20:25] Jaiden Robinson: Oh, I love that. Like giving them some little like special things for being there. I, I love that. I also just had an idea. If you’re a beauty pro listening to this, steal this idea, but you could do like a vault of like short videos of like hairstyling things, because here’s the thing you can Google, like how to do whatever curls, but you never see the same person doing, like, do you know what I mean?
Like if I, if you could see the same person using different tools, And doing different hairstyles, like, that would be so helpful. And you could just do like a freebie of like a vault
[00:21:00] Lindsey Pruitt: Yeah. Like literally link it on YouTube and like you’re good to go. It’s great. So I love that idea so much.
[00:21:09] Jaiden Robinson: somebody steal it.
[00:21:10] Lindsey Pruitt: And then let us know if you steal it
[00:21:12] Jaiden Robinson: Yeah, then tell
[00:21:13] Lindsey Pruitt: it.
[00:21:14] Jaiden Robinson: And then also, if you had short hair, that would be a lot better because there’s so many long hair tutorials and there’s nothing for short hair.
I’m like,
[00:21:22] Lindsey Pruitt: I know.
[00:21:23] Jaiden Robinson: I got the Dyson Airwrap and I was just like, um, where, uh, does a photo, does, does a video exist of a short hair girly? Like I couldn’t find them. Yeah.
[00:21:39] Lindsey Pruitt: literally had to go to one of my friends and be like, teach me how to style my short hair. I’ve done hair for 12 years, but I was like, I specialize in extensions and I had long hair forever. And so I was like, tell me how the girls are doing it these days.
Show me.
[00:21:54] Jaiden Robinson: Like, how do we do it? No. And, and the short hair girlies, we don’t know. Because nobody taught us. We’re doing our
[00:22:00] Lindsey Pruitt: just winging it. We’re winging it. We’re
[00:22:03] Jaiden Robinson: I love it.
[00:22:04] Lindsey Pruitt: cute.
[00:22:05] Jaiden Robinson: Honestly. I don’t, I just can’t, like, Honestly, I just do my bob, like, I can’t change my hair because I can do it like this, and that’s what you’re getting from me. Period.
[00:22:17] Lindsey Pruitt: change it.
[00:22:18] Jaiden Robinson: Moving on. Um, Oh man, okay. So, oh, I love this question. I’m really excited to hear your take on this. So, how does Instagram help increase revenue for beauty pros?
I saw you posted something the other day that someone increased their revenue like five figures?
[00:22:37] Lindsey Pruitt: Yes,
[00:22:38] Jaiden Robinson: How did you do that?
[00:22:39] Lindsey Pruitt: So mainly going with, there’s so much to it, but I’ll try to simplify it as much as possible. And the biggest thing was really showcasing number one, who they are, right? Like we’ve talked about this already in this interview, like really positioning, putting them out there, right. Of being like, This is me.
This is my brand. This is who I am and this is who I serve. And then, um, really making sure that we were leaning into sharing my client stories. So really putting Incorporating everything into one thing, storytelling, right? Like really showing that, like before and after in a different light, like switching that lens instead of just saying before and after or expensive brunette or whatever, or really diving into like the specifics of what was done, what they were struggling with before, or like.
Maybe they didn’t really have a struggle and they were like, you know what I saw this and I wanted it, you know But really leaning into that before And then really walking through and saying like here’s what we did to help her get there um, and even doing like follow ups so like almost kind of introducing these clients as um, like characters on their feed so like doing these like like not necessarily like a series but like You Hey, Samantha came in for blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Like a refresh or whatever. Here’s what happened with her grow out the last six weeks. There’s no scalp irritation. There’s no blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So it’s almost kind of like introducing them as characters, you know?
[00:24:12] Jaiden Robinson: Yeah, I love that. And then, then following their stories. And I also, yeah, oh man, I love how you incorporated like what they were struggling with, or even if they weren’t like showing both personas of the audience, because you like as a beauty pro, you’re going to have people who come to you who are just like, I don’t care.
I just wanted them to look. I just wanted the long hair.
[00:24:32] Lindsey Pruitt: Yeah. Like I just want it.
[00:24:36] Jaiden Robinson: who are like, no, I have hair loss or I have this, or I have that problem or my current insect extensions, oh my gosh, are like tugging or something. So it’s good to show like your, your new audience or people who maybe haven’t worked with you yet.
Like what it looks like to work with you in each of those situations.
[00:24:56] Lindsey Pruitt: Right. So like really bringing them along for the ride, like, cause you want them to really see themselves already sitting in your chair and receiving that experience. And so the best way for you to do that is to do through storytelling, right? It’s not being like expensive brunette, come and get it. It’s like, okay, I’m going to take you on this journey with us.
And then. You know, when we post that in the feed, we’re also continuing that inside the stories that day. So it’s just this kind of like I mean, for lack of a better word, experience, social media experience, because
[00:25:31] Jaiden Robinson: that’s what it
[00:25:32] Lindsey Pruitt: like, yeah, like some people will see the post and some people will only see the stories depending on how they like to consume it.
And so, I mean, we keep it pretty simple with that. We don’t like, you know, today we’re going to talk about this and stories and then this topic is going to be different in the feed. Like, that’s too much. Like, if you’re doing that. If it’s too much, just break down what you’re already doing on your post that day in stories and just have it be, have it be a little bit like of a different experience, like consumed a little bit differently than it would be if they saw your post.
[00:26:02] Jaiden Robinson: Yeah, because you just have to think about the different people in your audience and how they like to consume content for sure. Um, do you encourage your clients to sell a lot? Like do, are they actively selling on their stories or is it more attraction based? And when they are selling, like, are you having them say, I have this availability or are you like, no, don’t do that?
[00:26:24] Lindsey Pruitt: This is so controversial and I love it. Um, I think again, it kind of just depends on their audience and like how they react to things. Um, but I will say like we do a little bit of everything just to kind of see like what works, right? Like where they’re kind of at. Um, I don’t love to do like a ton of active selling.
That’s like, Every day we’re hitting them with a link or we’re hitting them with an availability. Like I really tried to kind of like spread that out a little bit. So people don’t feel like, Oh my gosh, like they are just like pushing this down my throat, you know? Like I want them to, um, cause I work with a lot of luxury brands and so it’s like, With that being said, it’s like I don’t want them to be shoving something down their throat, and so we’re really showing those like stories, educating them, um, really showing them like why they should go sit in these people’s chairs, or even like, you know, purchase their education, whatever.
Um, so yeah, we do a little bit of both. if I’m working with a salon specifically, we do lean more into like more selling, but if it’s a personal brand that I’m working with, we do a lot more of like the storytelling educating versus like, Ooh, here’s our availability.
But with a salon, yeah, we do more of the availability stuff.
[00:27:47] Jaiden Robinson: that makes a lot of sense actually when you made that distinction between like if it’s just like the stylist versus the salon. I think that is an important, I think that is like an important distinction because like they are different and they’re going to be like marketed differently. Um, Yeah. And I do feel like when you’re working with a luxury stylist, specifically, you don’t want to put the link out there too much because you do want that exclusivity without having to say like, I’m not available, but by putting, by not putting the link out there, you’re basically saying like, I might be available, but like, this is an exclusive luxury experience.
So you’re going to have to like inquire. So I actually think that’s so cool. And so smart. Yeah.
[00:28:29] Lindsey Pruitt: it’s fun. Thanks!
[00:28:31] Jaiden Robinson: What are beauty pros doing right on Instagram? Can you think of anything?
[00:28:39] Lindsey Pruitt: I mean, there’s lots of things I’m sure that they’re doing right. I mean, the main thing that I feel like say let’s do right is obviously showcasing what they’re creating behind the chair. Like I feel like it’s finally come to this place in the industry where people are realizing like, okay, like it’s not just photo that I have to learn and like master now, which that was like so hard.
Cause I remember when I started my career, it was like, we didn’t do that. Like we didn’t use social media. We would just like go like business to business, hand out our business cards, like old school marketing. Right. Like it was great. And then when social media came around, it was like, okay, so wait, now we’re taking like photos of our clients.
Like how do we do this? Like now I need to be a photographer. This is wild. And so now I feel like stylists are really starting to see like why. Photos and now video are so important and I’ve been seeing more stylists like really Trying to like capture their work in the back in their best light And so that’s been really fun to see like more stylists kind of come out of their comfort zone and just like start Posting, you know
[00:29:52] Jaiden Robinson: yeah, that is so interesting. It made me think about how I bet hairstylists have been like, Oh, how do I just like ask my clients? Like, can I take your picture? Can I take your video? Like, is that awkward? It has to be. I feel like I would be nervous about that
[00:30:10] Lindsey Pruitt: yeah, I, I was initially because I was like, what are they going to think about me? They’re going to think I’m like weird or like whatever, but whenever I like put that aside and actually like made it be a part of the conversation, um, it made it so much easier. So like I did like small things, like I would already have like my tripod out like for my phone, you know, and I, they’d be like, what’s that?
So it would like already kind of like start the conversation for me. So it wasn’t like. I’m gonna take some pictures. You know, the freaking trending audio. I’m at, I’m at it again.
[00:30:43] Jaiden Robinson: that’s
[00:30:45] Lindsey Pruitt: I mean?
[00:30:46] Jaiden Robinson: Yeah.
[00:30:47] Lindsey Pruitt: you’re like, I’m gonna take some pictures of you now.
It’s like, it was already part of the conversation. It was like, yeah, so I’m gonna take some pictures and some video of you because, you know, I want to really showcase like, This incredible before and after we’re about to do, like, I’m about to put in so much work, you know, like I would just make it fun for them and like, I would let them like ask questions.
Like, how are we going to do this? Like, what do you want me to do? And so I think just really making it a part of your experience behind the chair makes it less awkward.
[00:31:17] Jaiden Robinson: Yeah, and I feel like too once you start doing it and like people are gonna follow you on Instagram They’re gonna know that like you you do that Like that you you take pictures and videos and stuff like that. So they’re gonna like expect it when they come to see
[00:31:30] Lindsey Pruitt: But like, if you’re just starting to do that, you know, like, if, if it hasn’t been happening on your Instagram page yet, it’s okay, like, just do the awkward thing like I did and just have your, your tripod in hand. I, this is what we’re doing, okay? We’re getting with the program. Like, just make it funny and fun, like, yeah, so I, I haven’t been doing this, but now I want to do this, you know, just like,
[00:31:53] Jaiden Robinson: make it, make it fun. Make it part of it. I love that. Um, so there’s a lot of hairstylists, especially in Utah. Are you in Utah by
[00:32:02] Lindsey Pruitt: I’m in Arizona. So, same,
[00:32:04] Jaiden Robinson: Same, same. I was like, we’re the same thing, but yeah, I feel like Utah has just like so many hairstylists, which I could be wrong about that, but it feels like I’m not wrong.
[00:32:13] Lindsey Pruitt: It’s a mecca.
[00:32:14] Jaiden Robinson: Yeah, I’m pretty sure Utah owns like all the extension brands. Like they’re all here. I’m like, what is
[00:32:20] Lindsey Pruitt: Pretty sure.
[00:32:21] Jaiden Robinson: but if everyone is sharing the same kind of content, you know, maybe they are starting to tell their story, whatever, how are they standing out because the market is saturated?
How are they making themselves different?
[00:32:34] Lindsey Pruitt: I would say, I mean, you make yourself different. So like, again, coming back to sharing your personal story and who you are is so important because no one can copy that. No one can take that from you because that’s like such a big thing in all industries, right? Like, Oh, my content was stolen or like whatever, you know, but the truth is, is that hair is hair.
Like it will always be like, hair is hair is hair. Like, Yes, there are like things that are groundbreaking and change, but more oftentimes than not, like we are all sharing the same topics and our views on those topics. And so the best way for you to stand out is your story. So if you’re not sharing your story, like how are you different from the person literally working right next door to you?
[00:33:17] Jaiden Robinson: Yeah, that’s so true because, especially in hair, because in marketing, even if you didn’t share your story, it’s like, I’m just a different marketer. Like, I have a different approach. There’s not one recipe that does the same thing, but in hair it is a little bit more of a formula. It’s still very creative, I understand that, but there’s a bit more of a formula.
Everyone pretty much gets the same education, um, what to use on your hair, what not to use on your hair. It’s all pretty
[00:33:46] Lindsey Pruitt: to formulate it. Right.
[00:33:48] Jaiden Robinson: you’re kind of like born into an echo chamber, and the only way really, like you’re saying, to make, is to be yourself, is to show yourself.
[00:33:56] Lindsey Pruitt: Right. Exactly.
[00:33:57] Jaiden Robinson: Wow, that is freaking, what a
[00:34:00] Lindsey Pruitt: It all comes back to that. It is crazy.
[00:34:04] Jaiden Robinson: Do you feel like the same, like, things apply to like any beauty pro? So like maybe you’re like a nurse injector, maybe you’re like a nail person. Do you feel like it’s all, Very much similar.
[00:34:15] Lindsey Pruitt: think so because like take an injector right like their feed is full of beautiful like lips I like whatever right and their feed is looking pretty much like a hairstylist right like it’s all hair So the way that you’re gonna stand out on your feed is by being you like that’s what’s gonna help break all of that Up and be like, oh, this is why I’m gonna go see her.
It’s so Like, yes, you do beautiful work. Like, that’s why they’re also coming to see you. There’s, like, two things there, but the thing that makes you different, again, from your neighbor is you. So, like, why are you not sharing your story?
[00:34:50] Jaiden Robinson: How about beauty pros who are scared to show themselves for whatever reason, I feel like people have different reasons, like, whatever, they’re embarrassed, they’re scared, they’re whatever, like, how do you help people move past that? Heh
[00:35:04] Lindsey Pruitt: Oh, cause this was like also me, I am an introvert and so me sharing my story was scary. And that’s actually why I started my podcast last year is because I was like, I know I have a story to share, but I’m so scared to share it. And so I decided that for some reason, a podcast was how I was going to do it.
But I think, I think if, you know, whenever someone is nervous about sharing their story, I feel like, um, the best place to start is to literally just like script everything out. I have each of our clients literally go through and do a brain dump. Whether they have an education company, whether they’re a stylist behind the chair, everyone does the same exercise with us because it really helps them.
Remember their why of why they’re doing things really helps them stay grounded and connected to that. So any point that they feel like, you know, like our content’s not connecting or whatever. I’m like, okay, let’s reference back your personal story. Let’s go back to your why, because obviously something got off track there.
Let’s go back to the foundation. And so I think once you can connect with that, I think it becomes easier to be like, this is my why. So like, why am I not sharing this? This is why I do what I do. Why am I not sharing this? You don’t have to share all of the crazy personal things that have happened if you don’t want to.
You can, but you don’t have to. If you just share mainly your why, and you stand firm on that, like, that’s also sharing who you are.
[00:36:32] Jaiden Robinson: Yeah. Without giving every personal detail that maybe feels im Overwhelming to you. Yeah, because I feel like it’s a process like you’ll start to share at least for me It was like I started to share this or that and then I was like, okay I feel way more comfortable talking about my divorce or talking about this or that like I started to feel Like I was okay with sharing that um But I never shared anything before I was ready and I think sometimes people overshare and then they’re like, Oh, I wish I would have never like said that.
But like you’re saying you don’t have to if you go if you come from this foundation of your why And you have the reasons on what you’re going to share and you the pre written story that really all you have to do is recite Yeah,
[00:37:16] Lindsey Pruitt: like, hello, I’m going to tell you my story today. You know, like you can just do like a photo and like write your heart out in the caption. Like you don’t have to do a video if you don’t want to, if you’re nervous, if that’s like the main part that’s holding you back, you don’t have to post that piece of content in that way.
There’s so many other amazing ways to share content. And so If that’s the main part, when you dig deep, if that’s the main part that holds you back, it’s like, I don’t want my face attached to my story quite yet. Just do like, a photo or whatever, and then go from there.
[00:37:47] Jaiden Robinson: Sharing the caption. I love that. I do feel like captions are great for like sprinkling in new thoughts and ideas without making it your billboard. Um, so I love that. So I feel like you have a wait list right now. Is that true?
[00:38:02] Lindsey Pruitt: I do. I do.
[00:38:05] Jaiden Robinson: You do, but you do have some like courses and some other resources as well as that, right?
[00:38:10] Lindsey Pruitt: Yes, I do. So, I actually, um, I’m launching my consulting in two weeks. It is almost sold out. I sold out my first round without talking about it. I’ve almost sold out my second. I only have two more seats left. And so that is what is happening.
[00:38:27] Jaiden Robinson: Good job! That’s amazing!
[00:38:30] Lindsey Pruitt: Thanks. So that is coming soon. Um, but then I also have a course.
So in the meantime, while you’re waiting, you know, on their wait list, obviously we would still love to talk to you, hear from you, connect with you and like get you on that wait list. But in the meantime, if you’re needing that help and support, I do have a course it’s called the social series. It is all of the foundations that I teach and kind of have Gone through on this, um, podcast, but it goes in depth a little bit more inside of the social series.
So that way, whenever you do come on for consulting or full social, you already have a great baseline of the foundations of what we’re going to be doing together.
[00:39:08] Jaiden Robinson: Yeah. Oh, I love that. Like style of having the course be the foundation. And then that feeds into any of the higher offers that you have working one on one or working in a group with you. So that is so cool. We’ll link all of your details and everything.
[00:39:21] Lindsey Pruitt: of the things.
[00:39:22] Jaiden Robinson: but before you go, I have to ask you this spicy question.
What is a one piece of advice you wish you could give your younger self? This could be business. It could be personal.
[00:39:33] Lindsey Pruitt: Oh, I have so many. So many. So many pieces of advice. But in relation to social media, I would say Just get uncomfortable, get comfortable with the uncomfortable. That’s what I mean. Um, social media is, like we also said in this call, is ever changing. It is always going to push you out of your comfort zone.
Whether you are a social media manager, I’m pushed out of my comfort zone every single freaking day with this job. Um,
[00:40:03] Jaiden Robinson: job is so uncomfortable. I’m like, Ooh, really?
[00:40:07] Lindsey Pruitt: I make the right choice? Like, um, but like as a stylist, like it is like, you just have to get uncomfortable, comfortable with the comfort, uncomfortable, good grief. You know what I’m trying to say here?
Um, because that’s really where you’re going to see results no matter if it’s in social or not. That’s, that’s how you see results
[00:40:27] Jaiden Robinson: I think it’s just everywhere, like, personal growth, social media, everywhere. Like, you do have to be comfortable being uncomfortable, or else I think you just become, like, complacent. I think you just are, like, you, you no longer care, you fall back, you, whatever. Which is fine, but not, like, I think the people listening to this podcast are not that kind of people.
There are people that are driven. They want those results. They want to be successful. So, um, I think being uncomfortable is just part of the process.
[00:40:56] Lindsey Pruitt: It is, unfortunately. And just like putting in the work behind it, it’s, it’s just how it is. Like there is no cheater way to growth. It’s only through being uncomfortable and putting in the work.
[00:41:08] Jaiden Robinson: Yeah, it really is. Sorry everyone. Just kidding. No, just kidding.
[00:41:12] Lindsey Pruitt: Sorry.
[00:41:13] Jaiden Robinson: really love to surround myself by people who do love to work hard. Like I think there’s something so special about people who work hard for their results. Like, Some people are just given opportunities and things, which, if that is you, like, slay.
You have a good life. That’s so awesome. I’m a little bit jealous, but at the same time, the people who have influenced me the most are people who have worked really hard for what they have and learned the things they need to learn and implemented the things they need to implement and not just wish that they could snap their fingers and everything would be perfect.
[00:41:47] Lindsey Pruitt: Right. Totally. Totally.
[00:41:49] Jaiden Robinson: Well, thank you so much for coming on the podcast. Uh, I just loved having you.
[00:41:54] Lindsey Pruitt: That was so fun. I loved it. Came out of retirement. And it was so fun.
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